Friday, September 6, 2013

Full Frame

San Fran.  A city of hills, the majestic Trans America building, and a giant naked woman.  A fun city to spend and work a week in. 

This here is a full frame image.  Perhaps it's telling that I'm so dang proud of that.  I'm notorious (in my own mind) for shooting too hastily, and cropping/fixing in photoshop, so lately I've been making an effort to check my horizons (I tend to see the world crooked), and to take exact care with my framing, at least when the image itself is static.  How can I call myself a photographer otherwise?  I'm such a product of the slap and dash digital age.  Shoot now and fix or discard later.  The end result is never as good.  I wish I'd had more film training, because the value of a frame would be better instilled in me.  My professors did try.

I'm pleased (for once) with the results!

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