Saturday, October 27, 2012


Derek and I had a little over an hour of freedom to walk around Paris by ourselves, and I took my trusty camera with the specific intention of getting a picture for this blog. After the time was over, I had one of those depressing 'I suck as a photographer and in life' moments because I wasn't happy with ANY of my pictures, despite being in the 'city of love'. Then Derek rolled his eyes at me and I got over it. Below is the best of a somewhat boring lot (there were actual people in some of the photos, but none worth showing). Probably the best thing I did was let the exposure go enough to give the water a bit of movement. I wanted the blaring sun but then decided it was too blaring. I wish I'd experimented with HDR a bit, to see what that would have done in this situation, but hindsight as they say... Anyway, at least the blog keeps me shooting in my off hours. Maybe it will help keep the romance alive. So there you have it below: the non-work part of my trip to Paris.

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