Monday, October 15, 2012

let's try...again. and again.

A few people have been bugging me to have some sort of online presence other than facebook. They hint that the reason I don't is laziness. I say it's busyness, but they may have a point. a compromise, since a website at the moment seems a herculean task, I'm resurrecting from the rubble of disuse one of my old blogs. Probably the fourth or fifth blog I've begun and abandoned. For my first new entry, I've chosen this picture, not because it's great, but because I feel so wishful about it. This photo shows 'bat' bridge in Austin Texas (formally known as the Ann W. Richards Congress Avenue Bridge, but clearly 'bat' bridge is easier, more fun, and surprisingly descriptive). Bats live under the bridge, and each night during the summer fly out en masse, like a mysterious dark cloud spiraling into the sky, in the millions. This photo doesn't have any actual bats in it because work demanded I be somewhere else both nights around the time bats would have appeared; I think I missed them by about 15 minutes. But such is life and photos when paying jobs demand you be elsewhere during ideal moments of unique beauty. At least I saw bits of Austin, if at typical, frenetic pace. So this picture, like my blog, is wishful. The former, that it had a swarm of night dwelling creatures scattered in the light spaces. The latter, that this new start will stick - and will push me to be better. I just can't let work get in the way...or so I'm telling myself at the moment.

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