Thursday, September 28, 2017

resurrection 3 or 4.0

Hello blog, I've missed you a bit these years. Ok, that's not really true. I only missed you after I was scrolling through you for a particular photo. I felt all nostalgic and thought - I really should try that again. A lot has happened since I used you as a one off posting site. I've had a kid (see previous one off  post titled Heart Warrior), I've grown a few more grey hairs (I attribute that to the kid rather than age), and I travel a lot less. But I still take photos. With that in we are again.

This picture is an ode to my one week holiday this summer.  I'll see if the viewer can figure out where from the picture.

Analysis - the painting with glow sticks trick - never gets old.  If I were to do this pic again, I'd get rid of the dang chairs. I'm blaming that on the sangria (hey, I was on holiday). One of these days I will take a photo I'm 100% happy with. I've actually come close at work, but I can't show those yet. In the meantime, it's off hours only for you, bloggie blog. Probably some more pics from this particular holiday to come in the future. And some of Des because he's adorable. Until then...